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The Discipline With Purpose professional development workshop was excellent! Kate Tice is a great teacher and facilitator. Since it is so close to the beginning of the school year, it can be trying to keep people focused. Kate addressed this at the start. She made good use of the materials and gave time for interaction. Strategies were varied. Her modeling gave us many ideas and strategies to use in the classroom.
We will devote our meeting at the end of the month to articulate our implementation process and possibly create a Code of Ethics for the faculty. 
- Roni Priego
St. Edward School
Newark, CA

Diane was an outstanding presenter who captivated all of us with her passion and insight into the DWP program. She understood the program’s benefits and the reality of implementation and infusing the principles into our school culture. Each of the teachers is energized to collaborate in introducing this philosophy throughout our school. This is the first time I have felt the faculty to be truly 100% on board with any initiative. By Wednesday afternoon a committee to support successful action-planning had been formed from excited volunteers! I truly believe this enthusiasm will not lose momentum!
- Deborah O’Neil
Northborough, MA

The Discipline With Purpose workshop exceeded my expectations. Our presenter was wonderful and my entire staff enjoyed her. I had faculty members who have been to three or more DWP trainings and they said this was by far the most informative. It was beneficial to not just our new teachers but also our veteran teachers. I am looking forward to implementing some of the ideas presented school wide. Thank you again.
- Bill Carroll
Flagstaff, AZ

“In our recent DWP workshop Dr. Kearney touched on several topics that have been an issue at our school.  The teachers regrouped two days after the sessions and were very open to change.  We developed a morning procedure and today was the second day it was in place.  I was impressed!  We are working on lunch procedures now and once that is successful we will tackle more ways to teach self-discipline skills to students.”
- Mary McCoy
St. Peter School
Marshall, MO

“Diane Flynn gave a presentation that was well received.  The intro was complete, the pacing good, and the anecdotal stories helpful.  I have taught for 35 years and went through the training before and I still found it informative, helpful and a fine structure to help us teach self-discipline skills.  Diane is to be commended for the fine job she did in presenting.  She was inspiring and motivating as well as very knowledgeable.
- Carole Ambroziak
Tucson, AZ

"DWP presenter Diane Flynn was wonderful, and the staff has responded very positively in these first days of school. One teacher stated it was the best professional development ever offered by the District. Diane’s experience and perspective with middle schoolers gave her “instant” credibility with my teachers. I think they saw her as a colleague and an advocate--it was an excellent workshop.

I have been busy reading the administrator’s manual today. I love how it is laid out by years and then by quarters. The in-service lesson plans will give me an excellent start on planning my faculty meetings this year.

Nearly every classroom had the three school rules, the six steps of focused listening, and the prompts for following instructions posted within the first two days of school. I have been highly aware of my language with kids in this first week to remind myself (whenever possible!) that I am a teacher of skills, not a disciplinarian.

I am excited about our future with DWP, and appreciate the tremendous support from you and Diane as we start on our journey to create a positive, effective, and skill-based culture at FHMS. "
Tom Brennan,
Principal Fountain Hills Middle School
Fountain Hills, AZ

"As a mother of two coming back into teaching I have found the perfect job. My title is Character Skills / Careers / Enrichment teacher. I can choose my 1/2 time hours and my curriculum. Needless to say, I am using the DWP program. My principal had not heard of the program but after introducing the idea to him he was 100% supportive and ordered all the grade level binders for my K-6 classes.

The students come to me in my classroom for 30 minutes a week. I have always taught in DWP schools before so the students already practiced the skills. For the most part it seemed like the students in my new school really didn’t know how to behave. After 1 semester of DWP, I am so happy and proud to say that I am seeing a positive change in the students.

It has been an amazing transformation! I have been getting positive feedback from teachers and starting 2nd semester I am doing a school wide, “Skill of the Week”. I will also do a couple of hours during an in-service to share more information with the staff. The teachers say that the skills are exactly what has been missing in the school and they are so supportive and willing to learn more.

Thank you for what you do and have done for me and all the teachers and parents that you touch. I feel so fortunate to have been given this kind of knowledge about teaching and discipline. Discipline With Purpose is truly a powerful tool for teachers and parents who strive to help children grow up to be good people. "
Sincerely, Ann Menning

"DWP is definitely touching the culture of our school. I hear it in faculty conversations, and see remnants by the copy machine. Bulletin boards are already up! So even though we had the training two days before school started the faculty enjoyed it. I don't think any other presenter received such enthusiasm and made such an impact."
Pat Keenaghan
  Academy of Our Lady - Glen Rock, NJ

"Dear Barbara. Just wanted you to know how much I appreciated you being with us for the faculty inservice last Friday. Originally I was trained by you and your associate around 1994 or 1995. I must say that your DWP program is the best gift we could give to our students and to our own children. My older sons, now 24 and 22, who graduated from our school are better citizens today because of what they learned about the self-discipline skills. I thank you as a teacher and a parent."
Mary Goodman
  Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
  St. Agnes Catholic School - Phoenix, AZ

"I found the DWP sessions to be very educational and very motivational! I'm a "very experienced" teacher always looking for something new....that works and is practical. This seems to fit the bill! I like the terminology for each self-discipline skill. I also like the fact that the entire school can use the same framework showing the students that all of us are united in our efforts."
Melinda Carel - Teacher - Holy Infant, Ballwin, MO.

"I enjoyed my first class on Discipline With Purpose. I felt the DWP workshop was one of the best workshops I have ever attended! As I read and study the DWP material I am in awe of your ability to conceptualize this program and put it into a written format. Your manuals are extremely comprehensive. The Administrator's Manual is a great resource! You and Paula have created a wonderful step-by-step guide that anyone can easily follow."
Judy Kuhlman - Behavior Interventionist, Valley, NE

"Dear Barbara,
When our children were born, people would joke about how babies don't come with instructions or a manual - so true when you are a first time parent. We have four children ages 7, 6, 3 (boy), and 2. As I sat listening to you speak that evening I thought for the first time how there could be a set of instructions for raising children - Discipline With Purpose. The theory is so natural & grows with the children. Your talk also made me realize I assumed too many things which I thought my children would just somehow know. I felt very blessed to be able to attend the talk. I am very impressed and look forward to hearing more & learning more about DWP."
- Debby Brown - Home School Parent

"The Discipline With Purpose program gives the student body a consistent way to learn how to grow up. It helps create a building culture in which all individuals, adults and children, can feel equal. Character, integrity and self control are just some of the qualities developed by this program. Another part of the program is the consistent and fair process of managing children when they make inappropriate choices. Parents, students and teachers all use the same vocabulary and an age appropriate management system. The system provides good documentation and avenues to communicate with parents, students, and the building principal. I have been a principal for 28 years and Discipline With Purpose is the best complete program I have ever worked with. The DWP program is right on target for the needs of the students, parents, teachers and the administration in dealing with the situations that arise on a daily basis."
- Mr. Tearle List - Principal - Parkview Heights Elementary - La Vista, NE

"The teachers loved the DWP workshop! I knew I did and I was so nervous to see how they felt also, but they loved it. We actually got to work on cafeteria guidelines as soon as the workshop was over. The teachers were truly pumped for us to have some school wide guidelines. I have heard some whisperings that the teachers are already strategizing for the next area of improvement."

"I believe the vote is unanimous, this is one of the best things we have done in a long, long time. Liz was an incredible presenter. She related to the teachers, administrators, everyone. Thank you all for putting this together for us. I believe we now see that when we actually use it, this is a great program."
- Dawn Martinez – Assistant Principal - St. Anne’s School - Houston, TX

"I just attended the MANS Conference in Detroit Michigan where I learned about Discipline With Purpose for the first time. I like that you have lessons and activities to help students figure out what the skills look like. Today I will teach my students how to LISTEN. Yesterday, they looked at me funny when I said, "Tomorrow I will teach you how to listen," but they were looking forward to it. You never really think about the fact that they might not know what we expect them to do -- we just assume they know what to do. Your program fits right in with the current brain research, as well as Harry Wong's philosophy. Needless to say, I am excited to begin the program."
- Mrs. Kelly Perecki - Third-fourth grade teacher

"In the year and a half since we implemented DWP everyone has noticed a dramatic drop in the number of disciplinary problems. We're also beginning to see students internalizing the skills. Last year we worked on Listening as the school wide skill. This year we're working on Social Skills as the school wide skill. Two things are happening: there is a greater degree of respect for each other and property and it has made us as a staff pay closer attention to our own behavior and what we're modeling. All in all a very positive experience."
- Sr. Adella, Principal, Our Lady of Talpa School

"The DWP training has given me an anchor. When I am listening to a student's problem I find myself asking an internal question.  "What skills could the student be missing?"  Sometimes I come up with as many as four or five. This gives me a wider base for asking questions and arriving at solutions.  It wasn't magic; but by consciously becoming aware of the fifteen self-discipline skills, I have become more confident in my abilities to be a mentor."
- Cynthia La Croix - Mentor

"Five of our staff attended a DWP workshop in June 2000 and have been sharing information with the rest of the staff.  I'd like to share that the atmosphere of the school is totally different.  Students and teachers are much calmer and happier.  This is just working on the first skill "Listening" and developing T charts for classrooms and cafeteria.  So far this year we have had only 3 detentions and that is because the children's behavior fell into the very serious category."
Mrs. Barbara Adelmann, Principal, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School, Cincinnati, OH

"I love using DWP with my students. There isn't a class that I teach that we don't cover one of the skills by reviewing or by preteaching. Knowing that there is a self-discipline program that is geared to all grades works great for me because I see grades K-8 every week. I also see the progress that his program is making in our school over the past 2 years."
Jane Berkovitz, Music Teacher, Green Bay, WI

“These educators challenge us to rethink the meaning of DISCIPLINE as we  guide our students toward becoming self-disciplined. If you have not yet had  the opportunity to learn about Discipline With Purpose, I would encourage you  to do so.”
The Late Msgr. John A Flynn, Archdiocese  of Omaha.

“In my life I have known two types of discipline....the loving kind shown by  my mother and father and the type I learned in the military. Your program  seems to be teaching the first type, and I would like to help you in any way  I can. I hope all educators and parents learn that it takes SKILL to view  misbehavior as a ‘teachable moment’.” 
Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey 

“If students learned all the skills listed on this poster (DWP skills) they would be set for a lifetime.” 
Mrs. Dolores Hope

“This workshop deals directly with methods that can be used immediately and   best of all, show immediate results.”
Gloria Przybocki - Parent

“This course should be offered to every undergraduate thinking of entering  the teaching profession.”
Denise Dufek

“DWP identifies and names the skills that adults and children alike need to  be self-disciplined. The materials prepared by the Vasiloff/Lenz team are comprehensive, methodical and presented in a simple, direct manner. This method provides a staff with a language and vocabulary to assist children and   each other to learn important life skills.”
Jeanne Lang - Holy Name of Jesus  School, Wausau, WI -   Administrator

"DWP and all of your work/advice impacts me on a daily basis.  So often I realize how the 15 skills are so important for our daily lives.  Thank you for all you have done/do for so many people with the work that you and Paula did and you continue to do today.  It is amazing to watch my grandchildren as they try and use the first 5 skills—they may be basic, but they are such a rich foundation for the rest of their lives."
- Vicki Hodge

© Discipline with Purpose • 8505 Hurstbourne Woods Place, Louisville, KY 40299 – 717-250-9615 *